Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this research study?
We are hoping to identify new inherited risk factors for COPD that may provide better treatment for people who are at risk for developing COPD.
Where do I have to go to participate in the study?
Study visits can be done at the participant’s home or at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Is there any compensation for participating?
Yes, study participants will be compensated with a $50 payment, which will be mailed approximately four weeks after completion of the study visit.
Who can participate?
The "Your Participation" page contains specific answers to this question.
How long do study visits take?
The "Your Participation" page contains specific answers to this question.
What happens during study visits?
During the visit, a study staff member will perform a breathing test called spirometry, draw your blood, collect a urine specimen, and administer an in-depth questionnaire.
How is my privacy protected?
Every effort will be made to maintain participant confidentiality. All identifying information, such as names and contact information, will be kept in a secure location at the clinical center. This information will also be stored separately from the genetic research data.
Also, a certificate of confidentiality that protects against disclosure of identifying information has been granted from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
What are the potential risks and benefits of participating?
There is no specific benefit from participating in this study. An improved understanding of COPD may result.
The risks associated with this study are minor. There is some discomfort associated with the blood draw and breathing test. Also, this research involves the possible identification of genetic information about you and your genetically related family members. Identifying information will be stored in a secure database and locked filing cabinet at the study center.
Who is funding this study?
This study is funded by a grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health.
Who are the researchers conducting this study?
The principal investigator is Dr. Ed Silverman, but many other investigators collaborate on this study.